Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ker Plunk!

So Finley is officially a fireball as of today. It was nappy time and I put her in her crib. She cried like she always does for a brief minute then it was silent. No more than 1 minute later I hear a loud ker plunk! Oh no, as I ran to her room where the silence had turned to a loud cry. I pick her up off the floor and with big tears she cries "oght ohhhhhh!" Darn I thought, because Harper never even attempted to climb out of his crib in a whole 2 1/2 years and here she did it at 14 months. Then.......she did it again when she woke up from her nap, she cried for a minute then had a prety proud look on her face as I picked her up again. Needless to say daddy put her mattress down a few hours later! No more jumping Finley.

1 comment:

Brandon said...

Scary stuff! I'm glad she's o.k. I made sure Kai's was on the lowest notch possible cause I can just see him trying that.